Lemi Orhan Ergin
Lemi Orhan Ergin has been working as Agile Software Craftsman at Craftbase, a company of Software Crafters building their dreams in Istanbul. He has been actively developing software since 2001. He has worked as software architect, software craftsman, technical leader, team leader, technical coordinator, Scrum Master and Agile coach in dozens of software projects at eBay Turkey, Sony Europe, ACM and iyzico. He had provided consulting services to dozens of companies. He had led the establishment of agile software cultures, continuity and sustainability in software teams.
He has been sharing his experience about Agile / Scrum, Kanban, Management 3.0, Git, ALM Processes, TDD, Clean Code, Agile Engineering Practices and Software Craftsmanship via conferences, meetups and seminars since 2008. He has been local and international conference speaker. Slides of his talks has been displayed more than 1 million times on the Internet.
He works voluntarily in software communities. He is the founder of the Software Craftsmanship Turkey community. He had been the leader of the community of Agile Turkey and the product owner of Agile Turkey Summit and CraftSummit conferences for two years.