I T.A.K.E Unconference 2017 – IInd day slides & videos

And…it’s a wrap: 2 days of intense & complex program, 300 international participants, more than 35 sessions & more than 35 speakers from United States, Europe and Asia. During the 2nd day of the event, 15 speakers from 10 countries shared their knowledge on Machine Learning, IoT, Evolutionary Design, Documentation for Software Developers, Impact Mapping and more.

Videos are available here. Find below the presentations from day 2. The slides from day 1 are here.

Romeo Kienzler – Realtime- Cognitive IoT using DeepLearning and Online Learning on top of ApacheSpark Streaming and Spark enabled DL frameworks (keynote)

Dan Billing – Testing or Hacking: Real Advice on Effective Security Testing Strategies (keynote)

Eduards SizovsBeyond Software Craftsmanship (keynote)

Dan SerbanIntroduction to Apache Spark

Jakob Holderbaum – Managing Shared Secrets with basic Unix tools

Florin Coros – Decide between In-Process or Inter-Processes Communication at Deploy Time

Peter Kofler – Brutal Coding Constraints

Joe Wright – Tackling 16 years of legacy code with mob programming and Lego

Alin Pandichi – Covariance and contravariance. Say what?!

Patrick BaumgartnerImpact Mapping Workshop 

Liviu – Stefanita Baiu – Journey to Agilandia – a BA Travel Kit


More slides and videos from day 2 coming soon

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